Being at the forefront is crucial at times when competition between online jewellery e-tailers is at an all time high. Most of the companies who have created mobile websites have put out cut-down versions of their PC sites instead of starting out with a mobile-centric approach like Fameo which hope that this mobile-first approach will set company apart.
Fameo's new mobile service available to their growing number of loyal customers and specifically designed to allow anyone with a GPRS or 3G phone to browse Fameo jewellery offers, monitor their order status, research information and get customer service on the go. Long-term strategy involves building a WAP-based jewellery shopping portal featuring enhanced functionality for customers who want to buy jewellery using the browser on their mobile phone, price comparison for loose diamonds and colour gemstones via SMS text messages and a launch of push-based mobile marketing campaigns called the "Jewellery that fits your phone screen".
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